One Republic-Secrets - Mosely, Interscope (2009)
- The performance of the band is integrated heavily into the narrative, and both are brought together when the narrative required a moment of divine intervention, in most cases by the lead singer.
- There is very little difficulty in the techniques that they have included, such as a low saturation added in post production this gives the video a more solemn outlook on the video.
- There is a lot of close ups on the lead singer of the band and the female protagonist to show the emotion on the woman’s face.
- The band is further distinguished from society when shots showed the band performing in a well lit up hall, keeping in contention with Dyer’s 1st paradox, members of the band are seen within the narrative. They also stay in contention with the 2nd paradox where they are absent and present within the narrative and performance.
Christian, Dyer's paradox is present/absent and ordinary/extraordinary